Project Description

This project was my Capstone project for Udacity’s Cloud Developer Nanodegree. I created a very simple Bug Tracker application using AWS Lambda and Serverless framework.


  • Full Stack Cloud Engineering
  • TypeScript
  • JSON
  • Yaml
  • DynamoDB
  • npm
  • React
  • API
  • Microservices Architecture
  • Azure Functions
  • Authentication (AuthO)
  • Logging (Winston)
  • Architecture Analysis

Image galleries

Here’s a few screenshots of my project and workflow:

Note: The images should clear up in a few seconds after clicked on in desktops. See the image carousel below if you are on a mobile device or if the images have not cleared up.

How to run the application


To deploy an application run the following commands:

cd backend
npm install
sls deploy -v


To run a client application first edit the client/src/config.ts file to set correct parameters. And then run the following commands:

cd client
npm install
npm run start

Here’s another gallery with only one column, which creates a carousel slide-show instead.