Project Description

This project required me to build an app called “Neighborly”. Neighborly is a Python Flask-powered web application that allows neighbors to post advertisements for services and products they can offer.

The Neighborly project is comprised of a front-end application that is built with the Python Flask micro framework. The application allows the user to view, create, edit, and delete the community advertisements.

The application makes direct requests to the back-end API endpoints. These are endpoints that we will also build for the server-side of the application.


  • DevOps
  • Python
  • Yaml
  • JSON
  • Azure CLI
  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • MongoDB
  • Azure Function App
  • Azure App Service
  • Azure Registry
  • Event Hubs and Logic App
  • Architecture Analysis

Image galleries

Here’s a few screenshots of my project and workflow:

Note: The images should clear up in a few seconds after clicked on in desktops. See the image carousel below if you are on a mobile device or if the images have not cleared up.


You will need to install the following locally:

On Mac, you can do this with:

# install pipenv
brew install pipenv

# install azure-cli
brew update && brew install azure-cli

# install azure function core tools 
brew tap azure/functions
brew install azure-functions-core-tools@3

Here’s another gallery with only one column, which creates a carousel slide-show instead.